Around 50% of lubrication problems are caused by inappropriate practices in lubricant storage, handling and transfer.
Improving the availability and reliability of equipment, machines and lubricated systems in general starts by applying good lubrication practices in the place where the lubrication tasks are carried out: the Lubrication Room
The design of the Lubrication Room is underpinned by the TPM, RCM, Six Sigma and the 5 S’s principles. Through them, the aim is to improve and maintain the most important aspects of good lubrication practices geared towards minimizing equipment faults and its lack of availability, and to maximise the performance of the lubricant and the equipment.
To store the lubricants in a controlled atmosphere and at the same time maintain the standards of accessibility, ergonomics and safety.
To maintain and improve the quality and cleanliness of the lubricant dispensed, to minimize contamination by the environment and contamination by other lubricants.
To deliver lubricants in accordance with the needs of cleanliness of each piece of equipment, by means of suitable and independent lubrication points or systems for dispensing the lubricants.
To specify procedures for the storing, handling, filtering, sample taking and management of waste and discarded material.
To determine the requirements for auxiliary equipment and materials for lubrication purposes, smaller containers for transfer purposes, larger filtering and decanting equipment, pumps and greasing guns.
Marking and identification of lubricants and ancillary material using the LISTM method.
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