Oil Root Cause Analysis (Oil-RCA) is a method to obtain a diagnosis and determine the origin, through oil analysis, of the problem affecting the equipment.
This method brings together the traditional RCA (Root Cause Analysis) methodology with the analysis of the lubricated system to identify the lubrication faults through oil analysis and to provide an effective solution for the lubricating system.
This approach enables the condition and action responsible for the fault to be identified. That way, corrective solutions designed to mitigate or eliminate the problems which have been spotted can be proposed. This will result in the increase in availability, reliability, extension of the active life of the asset and safety of the environment.
Oil-RCA stages
Oil-RCA comprises five stages:
Designed to: resolve the problems in lubricated systems.
Anticipated benefits: Recommendations for eliminating the origin of the problem, maximization of the service life of the equipment and the lubricant, and reduction in costs.
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