Big data, predictive analysis and Internet of things at the 11th CMCM

29 Sep 2016
In: News


Lubrication Management participates in the 11th Mexican Congress of Reliability and Maintenance.

Lubrication Management has participating in the 11th Mexican Congress of Reliability and Maintenance (CMCM) held in Monterrey, Mexico, from 26 to 29 September 2016.

This congress, involving companies and professionals dedicated to industrial maintenance, aims to seek new technologies and methods in the sector of maintenance and asset management.

Over four days there are 35 conferences in addition to seven specialised courses that seek to communicate knowledge and experiences to show that proper maintenance practices enable the industry to improve its productivity, as well as bringing economic benefits.

Specifically, on 28 September Lubrication Management will give the presentation “Big data, predictive analysis and Internet of things” explaining the advantages of the application of new technologies in maintenance processes in industry.

More information

For more information on the presentation click here.


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