The latest innovations in the maintenance of transformers

30 Mar 2017
In: News


Lubrication Management – IK4-TEKNIKER, on the 23rd of March, organised a seminar in the installations of the Eibar technology centre to present the latest innovations in the maintenance of transformers.

Under the title “The best practices in the predictive maintenance of transformers”, cutting-edge industrial companies such as Unitronics, the Almaraz-Trillo Nuclear Power Plant, Gedelsa and Lubrication Management – IK4-TEKNIKER addressed the latest advances in this area during a professional seminar which was attended by some 40 representatives from companies in the sector.

Different topics were covered during the seminar with the aim of providing valuable information to assist in the taking of appropriate decisions during the maintenance and inspection of transformers, therefore being able to work in conditions of maximum reliability.

The presentations

The first presentation of the day was on predictive maintenance technology in power transformers. It covered details on the different systems which exist for power transformers and offline and online tests were showcased.

In the second presentation, entitled “Methods, indicators and procedures for the maintenance of transformers”, exemplary practices and procedures for the predictive maintenance of electric transformers, as well as indicators and predictive evaluation methods of the status of transformers were put forward.

The third presentation, given by Lubrication Management – IK4-TEKNIKER, focussed on the demonstration of the web application, developed by the technology centre, for the diagnosis of transformers using UNE 60599 and IEEE 57104 standardised criteria, and other criteria which has yet to be standardised.

The fourth and final presentation of the day, entitled “Energy efficiency of transformers. New UE 548 regulation” was on the new European legislation which addresses environmental and economic aspects of transformers and obligates manufacturers to improve their manufacturing processes. The seminar ended with a question and answer session.

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