How often should oil samples be taken from gas engines?


Periodically analysing the oil in equipment is essential for determining its condition, to extend its useful life and ensure that it runs at peak performance.

But how often should the oil samples be taken from the gas engines?

Initially, it is recommended to take samples every 100 hours to establish the trends of the parameters analysed.

Subsequently, for engines with reactive gases, such as biogas, it is recommended to take a sample every 200 hours and with engines that use natural gas every 400-500 hours.

It is very important to take a new oil sample at the beginning of a monitoring programme, as this will serve as a reference or a base line in the evolution of the lubricant in use, especially with regard to additives.

Gas engine oil produces a certain content of characteristic elements / metals (Zn, Ca, P, Ba, Si, Mo, B, Mg). It is very important to identify them and find out their concentration in the new oil so as not to confuse them with wear metals and/or with containments of an external origin.

Special care must be taken in the presence of external containments, which may be a real hazard. Elements such as Silicon and Sodium are considered very aggressive to the engine as they can cause premature wear.

On the other hand, small internal leaks in the refrigeration system, small cracks, failures in the seals of the air filter casings, etc. can facilitate the entry of these elements.

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